Friday, October 27, 2017

Traveling in Italy - Local Market in Greve

Local Market in Greve

Greve, in central Tuscany, hosts a market in their main piazza every third Saturday morning.  It's mostly for locals, although I spotted a very large tour group so I'm sure they try to capture their business as well. There was everything imaginable with all kinds of vendors. The Italian open markets seem similar to the photos a friend from Turkey sent to me recently.  Booths were in abundance selling everything from underwear up to fine clothing, leather goods, jewelry, etc. - the usual one would expect.  And also expected, but more traditional, were the food vendors, tapas and wine bars and of course all the shops around the piazza that are also open with many outdoor cafes. As you can see from the photos it looked very traditionally Italian.  Here the vendors were especially friendly and helpful. I know now how to ask "quando costa?" for "how much will it cost" and how to barter in Italian!  Found some things that, even converted to US dollars, were a steal for the quality.  Will this be the same in Florence?

All I was told has lived up to expectations - that Italy has a remarkable food industry – growing, preparing, marketing, and enjoying!  Like so many other places in the world, the plentiful appearance of food belies the availability to humans who cannot access it freely.  This whole trip is to explore the variety, the growing and preparation and to explore how art can be used to command a focus on the need of so many to access something considered so ordinary and yet so beautiful and vital a commodity.